Doleiro – Chapter 9 –Bolsonaro Government

Bolsonaro Government is integrated by several groups of right and extreme right wings. They act on behalf of big businessmen mainly the American ones. 

They want to massacre Brazil and Latin America in order to save their profits from the capitalist crisis.

Bolsonaro is a kind of folkloric face of this Government. In order to govern it now depends on “Centrão” [the Center of the Congress]. It is the “low clergy” sector, one of the most rotten ones in the National Congress.

Behind the scenes, generals, judges, the mainstream media, the associations of big capitalists and the United States Embassy act and command.

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Initially the Bolsonaro government was built on top of four main pillars. Operation Car Wash controlling the Justice. The generals gradually gained positions. Chicago Boy Dr. Paulo Guedes controlling the super Ministry of Economy at great capitalist vultures command. Bolsonarist governors.

PSL (Liberal Social Party) and Bolsonarism ideologist Olavo de Carvalho were initial Bolsonaro Government folkloric face. Centrão [Center of National Congress] was in a secondary role. It is integrated by so-called “low clergy” parliamentarians. They are parliamentarians representing the landowners, evangelical one and those connected to the chiefs of the regions and municipalities.

Jair Bolsonaro’s stupidity and recurring clown alike actions endorsed the maxim that whenever is a serious crisis, the rich elites seek a goofy man to manage the state. 

Behind the scenes, there is the high bureaucracy directly linked to the great capitalists who impose the massacre against the peoples.

After almost a year of erratic policies and when there was a huge crisis in the PSL itself, the Government launched on November 5, 2019, the “More Brazil Plan”. Its goal was promoting the State reform, reducing social spending and public services in order to facilitate Brazil massacre by capitalist vultures. 

Three Proposed Amendments to the Constitution formed that Plan. PECs 186, 187 and 188 promoted deep attacks on public servants.

That was the continuity of cutting public social spending policy, the so called Ceiling Law. It was approved in October 2016, during municipal elections. The future Bolsonarist “Left” did not even simulated a single reaction. It meant super tight ceiling for social spending. The Dilma Government based it on the hyper cut Federal Public Budget in 2015.

Parasitic transfers of resources to capitalist vultures have increased fastly.

The Financialization Law is on the process of being approved. It places municipal, state and federal public budgets under the direct control of financial speculation.

In March 2020, Bolsonaro Government transferred R$ 1.250 trillion [around US$ 300 billion] to large banks. After that, the so-called “PEC of the War Budget” (PEC 10/2020), was approved. Among several barbarities it allowed the Central Bank to rescue even companies that have branches in Brazil.

Bolsonaro Government seeks to “privatize” [which means donate to capitalist vultures] 180 federal companies and 250 state companies.

Along with classic “privatization”, “white privatization” has exponentially increased. Large public companies such as Petrobras, Eletrobras, public banks, the electricity sector and others are being dismantled.

In Post Office and Currency House, the sale process was linked to the withdrawal of workers’ rights. The Government did not renew the Collective Labor Agreement (ACT). It imposed the new labor legislation, which was also approved without the future Bolsonarist “Left” having even attempted to fire a single shot.

Because of those laws now there is intermittent work, outsourcing of core activities, individual contracts, the end of labor processes and other similar “wonders” that put workers in slave-alike labor conditions.

Public education and health are in horrible conditions. The aim is to privatize them.

Administrative Reform seeks to end all public services for the population.

In order to impose such a gruesome program, Bolsonaro Government tightens the political regime.

Several proto-fascist bills (called PLs) are pending in Congress. They are being approved with the support of Bolsonarist “Left”. Some PLs were denominated by the Double Express like Bad Quality Patriot Act, in reference to the Patriot Act approved by George Bush Jr. in 2001.

PL 2418/2019 was introduced by José Medeiros – Podemos Party / MT. It legalizes the monitoring of instant messaging applications, such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

It amends Law No. 12,965/ 2014. It enforces Internet providers to monitor user publications that are “preparatory acts or threats of heinous crimes or terrorism”. The information must be passed on to the authorities.

If the provider is unable to monitor, it must allow the installation of software or equipment by the authorities.

This PL allows the infiltration of intelligence agents and public security agencies in telephone and Internet networks to analyze information on “terrorist and homicide attacks”. Military Justice is responsible for that.

PL 3389/2019 imposes the obligation to link a CPF (financial public code) to each social network account. It ends anonymity in social networks. The old Azeredo Law named AI5 was set up alive again.

Major Victor Hugo’s PL 1595/2019 provides for a license to kill and institutionalizes death squads. It integrates or coordinates them with centralized special forces according to PL 1325.

PL 1595 has already been approved by two Congressional Commissions with the complicity of the entire Bolsonarist “Left”. The Reporter of this PL made jokes on House TV broadcast. He thanked the “Left” for being so collaborative.

PL 5327/2019 includes characterization of political activists as terrorists.

PL 5694/2019 removes the exception of social movements as “terrorists”.

PL 9432/2017 criminalizes social manifestations.

Decree 10.046 (2019.10.10) approved by Bolsonaro, allows the creation of a large database using biometric data, iris, hand palms, the way of walking, voice, in addition to genetic data.

Is Bolsonaro Government strong or weak?

The group of politicians directly linked to Jair Bolsonaro is weak. So weak that it lost its own party PSL control. 

It started to govern with the support of “Centrão” [Center of Congress]. The previous PSL base, “landowners bench”, “bullet bench” and “evangelical bench” went into crisis when the President and his children left PSL.

The more than 30 Republic President impeachment requests were stopped by the Chamber of Deputies President, Rodrigo Maia (of DEM, the so called Democrats / RJ, and member of “Centrão”).

The military wing of the Government took advantage of Bolsonaro’s weaknesses. It imposed General Braga Netto as Minister of the Civil House, a kind of prime minister. He started to act as the “Operational President of Brazil”.

The political regime crisis is so big that Bolsonaro fired his two main ministers (Luiz Henrique Mandetta and Sergio Moro). The military wing endorsed that.

The current military generals seem to be just as tied up to US imperialism as all sectors of Brazilian ruling elite.

The tension relationship between the Union and the states and municipalities is based on the dispute over resources. They have become scarcer. Capitalist vultures impose a huge spoliation to be as centralized as possible by the Federal Government.

Judiciary and Congress work under increasing tutelage by the high bureaucracy and the generals. They work under big capitalist vultures control.

The economic and political crisis is advancing rapidly in Brazil as a reflection of the worldwide crisis.

Big capitalists vultures seek to deliver the price of their crisis to the workers, mainly from Brazil and Latin America. The region is considered as its backyard by the main world power, the United States.

In order to massacre Brazilians and Latin Americans, the political regime is getting worse. The 2020 municipal elections showed the path to much more controlled and manipulated elections in 2022.

The main objective of those people who control the levers of power, the capitalist vultures, is to suck out every single drop of our blood in order to contain their profits fall. That is done in the best Augusto Pinochet’s style.

In addition to disappeared 4,000 people that bloody dictatorship murdered almost 100,000 people. It even bombed several factories. That was a very high number considering that the population of Chile was approximately 10 million people in 1970s.

In the next chapter of this Series, we will show the policy to impose a new Banestado operation as new institutionalized “Doleiro” [dollar dealer]  mechanism for those who facilitate the total surrender of Brazil.

For those who organize the struggle and resistance they impose Nazist laws.

At the same time they seek to impose as a model for Brazil the Colombian narco paramilitary state and then spread it out for the whole Latin America. They have already taken several concrete measures to integrate the main criminal gangs into the state.

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