Doleiro 2 “The empire strikes back” – Chapter 7 – Lava Jato Operation to massacre Brazil

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The Car Wash Operation started with very confidential information. Its source may only be the NSA (National Security Agency of the United States).

Its main policy was that Odebrecht, the other big construction companies, Embraer, Eletronuclear and Petrobras were the most corrupt companies in the world.

The aim of this campaign was to oust the so-called “progressive” governments of Latin America, impose extreme right government and take away its national wealth in favor of the capitalist vultures.

The alleged “fight against corruption” was directed:

Against Petrobras there was a criminal case on corruption that accused members of the government and its parties from the 2014 arrests and awarded delations by the money exchanger Alberto Yousseff and Paulo Roberto Costa, former Petrobras Supply Director.

The so-called “multinational” companies, owned by the super rich, have never had any major problems.

A few examples are the cases of former executives Daurio Speranzini Jr. from Philips, Mariano Marcondes Ferraz from Trafigura and Alstom known for the corruption in São Paulo Metro. Or the Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP) formed by the big oil companies, that in 2010 bought half of the Congress to end Lula’s Pre-Salt project.

Everything also ended up in pizza in cases of Paulo Preto, the former president of Dersa (Sao Paulo Highway Development), and one of the great money washers of public money for FHC’s PSDB. It also happened with PSDB’s corruption in Banco Meinl Bank, which washed billions in relation to Petrobras’ corruption.

Nothing is even said about Globo Network related to heavy corruption according to investigations into FIFA corruption and the cases of Panama Papers and Paradise Papers.

Former President Michel Temer climbed up because of the links with the illegal Animal Game.

Alexandre de Morais was appointed Minister of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) by Temer. He kept links with the criminal gang First Capital Command (PCC) since the 2006 agreements between the Government of the State of São Paulo and PCC.

Odebrecht delations were targeted through fraud. They sent many people to prison across Latin America.

The MyWebDay software specific to Odebrecht corruption area was not used because the password had supposedly been lost.
Dreyfus was used instead. It provided communication between Odebrecht executives, money exchangers and operators.

Rodrigo Tacla Duran, a former Odebrecht lawyer, was not even heard. He denounced that there were falsifications in the delations. An investigation by the Federal Police confirmed them.

The documents revealed by the so-called Paradise Papers included revelations about Odebrecht money laudering. Luís Augusto França, Marcos Viniski and Vinicius Borin, linked to the former Excel and Econômico banks, after agreement with Lava Jato had their sentences very reduced and a fine of only US$ 1 million for earnings estimated at around US$ 100 million.

Adir Assad

The delation by money exchanger Adir Assad at Trend Bank, about laundering through sponsorship of automobile events was interropted.
The Meinl Bank branch in Antigua even promoted corruption within corruption (outside Odebrecht’s control), including for other Latin American accounts.

Dario Messer

The king of money exchangers, Dario Messer, was never indicted by Judge Sergio Moro either on Banestado or on Lava Jato. According to Vinícius Rolim, one of the money laundry routes passed through Tacla Duran and was destined for Vinícius Claret (Juca Bala) in Uruguay who works for Messer.

The Car Wash Operation started to erode in 2019. But its policies remain strong. The aim is to destroy the Brazilian nation.
In the next chapter, I will tell you about how the PT governments evolved to objectively supported the massacre of Brazil by the later Bolsonaro Government.

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