Doleiro 2 – Chapter 10 – The new narco-paramilitary Institutional Act #5

The repressive organs of the Military Dictatorship have been kept “dormant” within the “democratic institutions”.

Now several bills (PLs) are pending in Congress with the objective of recomposing the “winner takes it all” strategy of the Military Dictatorship, which was put forward by the institutional act number 5. History might repeat itself, this time around in an even more brutal manner.

They are being approved with the support of the parliamentarians constituting the official “Left”, or today, Bolsonaro’s left accomplices.

They were named by Duplo Expresso “Patriot Act Tabajara”, in reference to the Patriot Act enacted by George Bush Jr. in 2001, which was imposed on the world under the Anti-terror Act. This law was passed in Brazil in 2015.

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PL 2418/2019: Legalizes the monitoring of phone networks and the Internet, as well as the infiltration of police officers to seek information on “preparatory acts or threats of heinous crimes or terrorism”, with authorization from the Military Justice.

PL 3389/2019: The old Azeredo Law, renamed Digital AI5, has been revived. It ends anonymity on the Internet by imposing the obligation to link a CPF (Brazilian social security number) to each account.

Major Victor Hugo’s PL 1595/2019 provides a license to kill and institutionalizes death squads. It integrates or coordinates them with centralized special forces according to PL 1325.

PL 1595 has already been approved by a Congressional Committee with the complicity of the entire Bolsonarist “Left”, in a scene that became legendary: in the broadcast of Deputy Chamber TV, the Rapporteur went as far as to thank “Leftist” parties for being so collaborative.

PL 5327/2019 includes categorization of political activists as terrorists

PL 5694/2019 removes the exceptional clause that applies to social movements, setting up the precedent to consider them as possible “terrorists”.

PL 9432/2017 criminalizes social manifestations.

Decree 10,046 (October 9, 2019) promulgated by Bolsonaro, allows the creation of a large database of biometric data, iris, palm and fingerprint, manners of walking, and speaking, voice register, as well as genetic data.

The objective of these and other PLs is to impose pinochetism and the Colombian narco-paramilitary state in Brazil.

This is the model that is being replicated throughout Latin America.

In this sense, the November 2019 Duplo Expresso article, “Cui Bono? Who killed Marielle Franco and why? ” is central.

The state of commotion favored PSOL (led by Marcelo Freixo and a rather right wing side of the party) to overcome the election threshold, which even the PCdoB, a party that governs the State of Maranhão, did not succeed.

Can PSOL’s growth in the 2020 electoral circus really be seen a coincidence? What about Sérgio Moro’s praise for PSOL’s electoral results as ultimate proof of fair elections?

The militarization of Rio de Janeiro during the Olympics imposed the merger of the drug gangs PCC (First Command of the Capital) and CV (Comando Vermelho) under the control of the generals.

The main objective was to obtain unofficial funds from the tolls charged from money laundering to drug trafficking as well as to keep the peripheries under the tight control of these drug gangs, as this has already been done in São Paulo since 2004.

Main partners here are the CIA, DEA and Mossad, which take a share of the tolls for their own illegal operations.

It is no secret that black market operators in the Triple Border region are all connected to the cocaine trade via Paraguay, where the King of Doleiros operated, Dario Messer. Part of the money laundering is carried out by evangelic churches. Hence the term “Cocain Evangelistan”.

Money travels to tax havens under the protection of imperialism, is laundered and resurrects gloriously on Wall Street and the city of London, with the extra bonus of the United States reducing part of the current account deficit.

The “free market” is the free circulation of cocaine, even if it is hidden, for example, in that strange load of soy, something that brings the extra benefit of guaranteeing the well-being of agribusiness. This is exactly the same that was happening back then with the CIA heroin line in Afghanistan.

The great objective of those who control the levers of power, the capitalist vultures, is to extract the very last drop of our blood to contain a fall in their profiteering. This reminds us very well of the style of the bloody dictator Augusto Pinochet.

In addition to having disappeared 4,000 people, Pinochet tortured and murdered tens of thousands of people, even with bombings of factories, in a country that then had 10 million inhabitants.

In the next chapter, we will talk about the imposition of Pinochet’s dictatorships in Latin America towards major wars in the world, as the capitalist “way out” for the crisis.

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